Friday, October 28, 2011

We're at the Half Folks

Conducting this experiment is a great reminder why I got out of sales.  I hate cold calling!  Ring ring… (that’s my impression of a telephone by the way).  “Uh, hi, this is Lily Beth and I got this really great product I want to sell you…..ME!”…*silence*….. “Hello?!, You there?”……click, dial tone!  
Okay so it’s really not THAT bad but I do feel like I am prospecting a bit looking for just the right prey so I can pounce and go in for the kill.  There is not a lot of meat out there but definitely a lot of “meat heads”.
Confession session:  I did not do my Day 3 Search until today.  I just couldn’t make myself do it yesterday.  What a bore…I mean chore!  Seriously….there are like 4,000 profiles on this site, why is it this hard?  I just didn’t have it in me to do the electronic chit chat yesterday and I refused to resort to the dreaded ….*GASP*….WINK!!!!!!  I know right?  Shameful.  So, I gave it a rest and I jumped back in the saddle and started the ride again today.
Day 3 - 5 MORE contacts made; 0 responses received (at time of post, but contacts were just sent) = Results Pending
Day 1-2:  Total contacts made = 10, Total response received = 1 (Currently still resulting in 10 to 1 ratio)
Project Journal:  Kicking myself for thinking this project was a good idea.  Excitement level is nonexistent.  Getting quite lax in my communications.  Day 1 I actually put some thought into what I entered like trying weave in a little sentence regarding something they referenced in their profile, Day 2 messages got a lot more brief, like 2 sentences max…Day 3 used the same one line sentence in all 5 messages.  Uh oh…really starting to worry what I will actually write Days 4 & 5.  My contact might just come down to a simple…”Yo, holla back!”
Thank goodness I was smart enough (I didn’t say smart, I said smart ENOUGH) to only commit to 5 days.  So that means I am over halfway there and all that is running through my mind right now is lyrics to Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer…..” Whoa, we're half way there, Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer, Take my hand and we'll make it I swear, Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer.” 
I will definitely be living on a prayer for days 4 & 5 of this experiment  because the pickin’s are gettin’ slim my friends…certain profiles are starting to not look SO bad…kind of like wearing those beer goggles back in college.  Or so I’ve heard.  Just sayin’!

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