Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe....

Catch a tiger by the toe.
If it hollers let it him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
My mother told me to pick the very best one,
And you are NOT it!

So I am learning (quickly I might add) that online dating is a total crap shoot.  You better know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away and know when to run!  Every day when you go online, it is a guessing game if anyone is interested in you, if you are interested in anyone else or if you have you picked up any new stalkers!  (Yes, I have a sweet lil’ stalker that I just can’t bear to block…he thinks I’m HOT and tells me so 25 times a day….hey don’t judge, a girls gotta get her affirmations somewhere)
Because you never quite know what will encounter on a daily basis, it has caused my Type A side to try and force some logic into the process.  There obviously has to be some method to the madness or they wouldn’t have the commercials advertising the happy couples that met online.  (Of course I believe they are real people and not actors…with love anything is possible…anyone have some swamp land they want to sell me?)
I am figuratively scratching my head trying to figure out scientifically how it works but there are just too many variables.   Therefore, I am leaning towards the conclusion that online dating is really a numbers game and luck of the draw…right place, right time, right frame of mind.   But, before I sign, seal and deliver this as fact, it’s time for a little Lily Beth experimentation…..
 I’ve decided to conduct own science project…hopefully this experiment won’t stink as bad as the one I did in third grade.   I have NO idea why my parents allowed me to test the rotting factor of deli meat.  (I probably turned on the water works and accused them of hindering my aspirations of becoming the next Marie Curie and chance to get my own Nobel Prize).  Anyway, it worked and my project was to test the effect (or is it affect...never could get that straight) different temperatures had on the freshness of meat.  I supposed I just did not have enough  common sense back then to automatically know that if you stuck a piece of bologna in the kitchen drawer for a week it wasn’t going to be pretty when you pulled it out . 
Hindsight people…gimme’ a break, I was in third grade…what did I know other than what outfit Ken liked Barbie to wear on their dream date.  Well, truth be told, I did already know what the outcome was going to be...I was just taking the easy route.  (Don't tell my parents) It proved to be an easy project and my results were conclusive…besides you got an A if you even did a project so what did I care if my stinky rotting bologna cleared out the entire cafeteria and caused a few teachers to actually get sick from the stench.  The way I see it, I was the hero …who doesn’t love having a substitute teacher for the rest of the day!!!  RECESS!!!  But I digress…… back to my grown up experiment.   How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop?  AKA:  An Online Connection. 
So for the next 5 days, I will throw caution to the wind and randomly contact 5 new online people every day and see how many actually respond.  So 5 people in 5 days = 25 potentially new connections.  (I didn’t even use a calculator for that one…gold star for me!) 
If I were putting this together on my sweet little tri-fold poster board the title would be (in my big bold die cut letters) What Affect (effect/affect..ahh who cares) Does 5 New Touch Points In 5 Days Cause in the Online Dating World.  (I realize that is TOO long of a title for my tri-board but work with me people..it's a pretend board anyway so it can be as long as I want).  And let's just pretend if you will that I have actually created a Purpose, Hypothesis, Research, Title, Materials/Procedures, Data, Results and Conclusion.  Putting together the tri-board was the only part of the project I actaully liked.  Lily Beth and glue = a whole lot of fun, creativity and waste of glue.  (another topic for another day).
At the end of this project how many new little friends will Lilly Beth have?  25, 15, 10, 5, 1, 0????   (Dang I wish I would have paid attention in statistics, I am sure there is probably some smart mathematical factoid I can provide but I got nothin’….I was good at P.E. and that was about it).  Okay...let the experiment begin!!!!! 

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