Sunday, October 30, 2011

Too Legit To Quit?...Whatever! I'm Out!

Normally I do not like to start something that I don’t finish…BUT….sorry kids...I quit this project and I’m completely A-Okay with it! 
The thought of searching for 10 new contacts over the next two days was about as appealing to me as the thought of getting a colonoscopy. (Both equally a pain in the “you know what”….Ha!  I cracked myself up on that one).  The fact that I was actually avoiding my computer like the plague over the past few days and increasing my chances of getting a few more wrinkles stressing over finishing the project was my final clue to just throw in the towel.  It’s not like I HAD to do it for 5 days…It’s my project and I can do what I want, Right?
We will just pretend that we were only going to do the project for three days and conclude that online dating is somewhat of a numbers game.  Obviously the more people you contact the more chance you will have for a connection.  But I have also come to the conclusion that online dating is definitely a right place, right time, right mood, kind of adventure!  The stars just have to align and there’s not a darn thing you can do about that.  It’s like “the Great Space Coaster….Get on Board.  The Great Space Coaster…we’ll explore”.  (Does anyone else remember that show?…man I loved growing up in the 80’s, but that’s an entirely different blog).

Anyway….back to the stars aligning….blah blah blah… over the past several days I was so focused on looking for new contacts for the stupid project, that I completely ignored all of the contacts I received from potential interests that were completely unrelated to the project.  And there were a handful of these contacts that potentially peaked my interest.  Even better, I did not even have to send a   “Yo, wuz up!”  message.  Go figure!   Hey, maybe that’s the ticket….when you quit worrying about finding connections they’ll find you?  Hmmm…..novel concept right? 
So, now that I don’t have to stress about trying to prove some “theory” I can get back to focusing on actually trying to make a real connection.  Speaking of real connection, I’m facing another challenge.  I am losing my focus as to why I signed up for online dating to begin with.  I am having so much fun with the fabulous blog material being provided to me, that I am forgetting that I signed up for online dating to ACTUALLY try and date!!!  Which makes think, it probably isn’t a good idea that I’m pulling out a notebook and jotting down notes when I am out on my dates.  Wonder what goes through their mind when I say, “Do you mind repeating what you just said?  That’s great material! I could use that for my next entry”  (Just kidding…I’m not actually doing that…..I at least wait till they go to the bathroom.  What?  Is that wrong?)

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