Tuesday, October 25, 2011

5 in 5 Day 1: Check

Today was the official start of experiment 1 of the 5 contacts in 5 days Project!  I have to admit I thought this was going to be easy...I figured I would log on and bada bing, bada boom I would be finished an onto something else but  not the case.  This was tough.  I could have gone the easy route and just picked the first 5 people that came up on my search but would that really be a fair comparison?  I mean really?!  If we are going to truly test the validity of this project shouldn't I at least make an attempt to try and contact people I would ACTUALLY "possibly" be interested in meeting.  THIS IS HARD work people!!!!  It took me over an hour to sift through enough profiles to even warrant 5 contacts.  Good gracious, if it is going to take this long every day I might call uncle and quit before I get to day 3.  Do you realize how difficult it is to try and make small talk via email?  A root canal is more pleasurable!   I need to come up with a one line ringer that can be my default intro message because my acting skills were very stretched tonight!  Talking Oscar my friends.  Geez....the things I do for research!!!!

Can we just Bless my Own heart and get it over with?

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