Thursday, October 27, 2011

Weird Science

Had the following conversation recently with a girlfriend: 
GF:  “LB, how’s the online dating going”
Me:  “GREEEAAAAT (where’s Tony the Tiger when I need him?)  I am having a blast, this is a lot of fun and it’s quite entertaining”
GF: “Well, I know you’ve met a few people but you’re not dating anyone in particular so how can this be fun.  Are you not still experiencing any rejection?  That would be hard.”
Me:  “I have met some great guys so far but I am still pretty much experiencing rejection every day.  In the beginning it really bothered me and I took it very personally.  Shook the leaves right out of my self-esteem tree.  But now it doesn’t even faze me, it just makes me laugh.”
GF:  “Really, how can someone rejecting you make you laugh?"
Me:  “Why not?  So they don’t respond, what’s the big deal, they’re probably not worth my time anyway.  It’s not like my social calendar is lacking.  So what if they don’t “like” me?  What-Ev!  Besides, how can one REALLY determine if there actually a connection or not based on a few words and an Olan Mills photo?  How do they even know that is the correct photo and that the content in the profile is valid.  I mean, PUH-LEAZE!  Just Fa-get-about-it…move along folks…NEXT, Lily Beth is on the move!!!  In fact, I’m turning the entire experience into an experiment.”   (I then explain to her my current experiment; she stops and pauses for a moment then says….)
GF:  “LB…you’re brilliant, you have just figured out how to think, act and date like a guy, yet remain ALL GIRL!”
Me:  “Excellent!  I'll be sure to add that skill to my resume.  But I don’t think my momma would quite understand this concept so we’ll keep this one ourselves.”

Results so far:
Day 1:   5 contacts made; 1 response received = 1 to 5 ratio (not bad)
Day 2:   5 NEW contacts made; 0 responses received (at time of post) = 0 to 5 ratio (expected)
Conclusion thus far:  For every 10 contacts made you can expect to receive one potential prospect. Of course results may vary.  (I think I recall hearing the same thing during a sales training once upon a time….hmmmm….go figure).
Project Journal:
Day 1 - Super excited to test this theory out….I approached it with all the zest and vigor one has upon the start of a new project.  Couldn’t wait to begin the search for my new fab 5!  But then the searching began and it took forever just to find the first round of guinea pigs. Excitement level dropped a notch.
Day 2 – Did I really have to commit to 5 days?  Think before you act LB…when are you going to learn?  Really?  It was hard enough to find 5 the first go around.  Maybe I shouldn’t be so picky….snap out of it Lily Beth….you committed to this project, suck it up and deal with it.  Excitement level dropped several more notches. 
Day 3 – Wow…do I really have to go search AGAIN????  They are all starting to look alike.  Dreading this stupid project.  Dreading the search for 5 new contacts (which is technically 15)…..excitement is fading.  It is now hanging over my head like a dark cloud…how many more hours do I have today to get this completed?  I don’t usually drink liquor but tonight I might need a little help from my friend, Johnnie, Jack or George.  (Walker, Daniels or Dickel that is).  These are tough times people. Hmmm…. Maybe the toeless Count Chocula is not looking so bad….I could contact him??????????
Till tomorrow……..

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