Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh No She Didn't.....

It has been about a month since I lost my mind and decided to give online dating a try.  I have heard the success stories and listened to the train wrecks and figured, what the heck, what do I have to lose! (except my dignity but hey, a good dose of humility never hurts).  Since this entire experience is completely foreign to me I jumped in both feet first…with a cinder block tied to my ankles!  Wow…wasn’t prepared for this!
There are so many choices now for online dating that there really was no rhyme or reason why I chose the one that I did.  I went with the first one that came to mind and the sign up process was relatively quick and painless (well, except the fact that I am actually paying to try and find a mate).  Maybe I should have entered this experience with a little more knowledge and done my homework but if I had, what would I have to write about.  So, that leads me to where I am today…sharing with you lovely people my highs and lows in my quest for “the one”.
 In the short time that I have been online I could write volumes.  Unfortunately, I was not as quick to start a blog as I was to subject myself to the experiences that were becoming my new way of life.  With that said, I will do my best to weave those stories into future posts because there are some good ones!
Now that I am past the point of no return I can look back on my first several weeks and laugh at how impacted I became over the “rejection” I experienced from absolute strangers.  At first I would eagerly go online anticipating all of the messages that would be waiting for me.  I just knew I was going to have my pick of dozens of eligible “the one” hopefuls.  Alas, where are they?  How can this be?  Crickets are chirping in online land.  Why isn’t anyone interested in me?  I put so much thought into my profile; I just knew “the one” was waiting in the wings for me.  Boy did I have it all wrong.  Rejection!  And daily!  I am NOT cut out for this type of torture.  I was becoming a wilting dessert flower in search of serious water.  For weeks I would cast out my net only to have it returned empty.  Don’t get me wrong, I received messages and several of the virtual “How you doin’” (CREEPY) but not from the beau’s I was pursuing.  Is this what my life has become….is this my penance for donning the Scarlet D!  Oh the horror!!!!
But, as time went on and the rejection remained constant my “blessed” little heart began to heal and my skin got thicker (as if going through a divorce is not skin thickening enough).   The entire process started to become comical, fun even.  Like a big game of Chutes and Ladders.  Climb two steps forward, slide five steps back.  In keeping with the game these, I will view online dating like “duck duck goose”… just have to keep tapping heads and going round and round…eventually “goose” will be called and the chase will begin.
Until then, let’s sit back and enjoy the ride!  It will definitely be an adventure. 

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