Friday, November 4, 2011

Clean Up on Aisle Three

OMG!!!   To me, one of the most annoying things about the online dating site is the fact that it's REALLY hard to quickly determine the profiles you have already viewed and which ones you have not.  My typical routine is to log into the site to see “Wuz up!”  I quickly scan any new winks or emails (thank you Burl for my daily affirmation) and determine what if any I want to respond to.  I try my best to clean out any riffraff on the spot, but I sometimes I get lazy and don’t click on the option to remove the profile from my “dashboard”.  If I would just “getter done” right then and there then I would not have to be a “stalker” later.  This is what gets me in trouble! 
On the other hand, one of the positives is the built in number counter that informs you how many people have looked at your profile.  Not only does it give you a number but it shows you the actual profile of all of the potential man candy that is checking you out.  I assume this was designed intentionally to be somewhat like virtual flirting…”hey he checked me out let me check him out…how you doin’”…WINK WINK….CREEPY!!!!     All good and fun RIGHT?!  Uh-NO!!!!  This is when I start to feel a little “Fatal Attractionish”
Because his profiles shows up under your Who Viewed Me section you naturally go and check him out because he viewed your profile.  This means that your profile is now going to show up under his Who Viewed Me section.   What’s even worse is the “Viewed Me” feature displays profiles based on most recently viewed…so let’s say you viewed his profile a month ago and knew that you weren’t interested….but because you put off your “clean up efforts” you forgot that you have already viewed him…so you click on the profile again and now you are on the top of his list when he views his Who Viewed Me section.   Then you click AGAIN, then realize …”Oops, I did it again, I played with his heart….got lost in this game”  (Thanks Brittany…by the way, I’m returning your school girl uniform…I seem to be attracting the twenty-something’s…not quite ready for Cougartown…I’ll rethink it in 20 years.  NOT!).   So this clicking back and forth can go on all day long and if someone doesn’t make a move it’s the never ending game of “click and view I see you.”
This is where my cleanup procrastination backfires!  If I would just take a little effort and do it right then but noooo.....instead….. A few days later, I wake up stupid and can’t recall that I’ve have already viewed him so I click again!  DOH!!!  Dang it!!!  Next thing I know I’m a stalker and didn’t even know it!  I hear what you’re screaming and NO it is not easy to remember who I viewed and who I haven’t (or is it whom???  Sorry English teacher…slang has ruined my grammar)  Anyway, as I’ve said before, after awhile they ALL look alike!
Here is my “get rich quick” idea for the online dating sites.  They need to incorporate some sort of “notes” section or tracking system next to their profile that you can either check off or enter a comment like,”No way in H-E-double hockey sticks”, or “If he was the last man on earth, then maybe”….or “He’s a total Jackwagon, not worth my time ” or whatever is going to jog your memory that you have already viewed him and you are NOT interested.   Do you realize how many “stalking” moments I could have saved myself if this feature already existed?
Even better, save me some time dating site and incorporate a button directly on the profile that you can click if you want to send the profile into some other cyber land.  (If this already exists, I have no idea…It’s not like I stopped and read any sort of directions).  I guess the only problem with this idea is based on how delete happy I would be, by the end of a few weeks, I would have X’d them all out and no one would be left for me to view.  Hmmm…..maybe I’m being a little too picky….after all, Jackwagons need love too right?  Nah!  DE-LETE!!!!!!